For a group of companies tied together by common shareholders, it makes sense to use collective cash holdings to cover funding needs, rather than to pay more to borrow money from a bank. 对于一群被共同的股东联系在一起的公司来说,用集体持有的现金满足融资需求,而不是支付更高的利率从银行贷款,这样做合情合理。
Cash holdings will become an important means of access to capital. 现金持有将成为获得资金的重要手段。
Christmas is when we fling caution to the wind and spend to the limits our cash holdings. 圣诞节的时候我们不顾一切地消费直到把钱花光。
The Effect of Different Regional Market Development on Corporate Cash Holdings 区域市场化进程的差异对我国上市公司现金持有量的影响研究
Almost half had increased their cash holdings, while a quarter had bought shares in familiar UK-listed companies often only shares in the FTSE 100. 其中约有半数的人增加了现金持有量,四分之一的人买入了知名英国上市公司的股票通常仅限于富时100指数成份股公司。
Cash balance; cash holdings: cash in immediate possession represented by coin, paper money and negotiable checks and other paper commonly accepted for immediate credit by a bank in a deposit of cash. 现金余额;现金结存:指立即可用的现金,如硬币,纸币,流通支票和其他银行一般可以接受给以信贷的现金储蓄票据。
Cash holdings, as an important means of internal financing, is closely related to investment behavior. 企业持有现金是企业内部融资的一个重要手段,与投资行为密切相关。
Research on Cash Holdings of Manufacturing Listed Companies and Its Relationship with Operating Performance 制造业上市公司现金持有量及其与经营业绩关系研究
Demand and Supply Uncertainty, Competition and Cash Holdings& Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms 供需不确定性、市场竞争与现金持有&来自中国上市公司的经验证据
A growing number of tech companies have responded to swelling financial reserves by starting or increasing dividend payments, although not fast enough to stem the increase in cash holdings or head off unhappy investors. 为了应对现金储备日益增加的问题,越来越多的科技公司开始或加大派息,尽管速度还不足以阻止现金储备增长或者让投资者感到满意。
Study on the Relationship between Governance Environments and Cash Holdings of Listed Companies 治理环境与上市公司现金持有量的关系研究
However, the company has not reported its audited cash holdings since then and has not disclosed how much of the cash is held outside the Chinese mainland, where it can be used to repay foreign bondholders. 不过,自那以后超大再未公布过经审计的现金头寸,也未披露过其中多少现金存放在中国大陆境外,从而可用于偿付外国债券持有人。
A Study on the Impact of Corporate Governance Structure to Cash Holdings 上市公司治理结构对现金持有量的影响研究
Large Russian companies are moving some of their cash holdings to Asian banks as the latest US and EU sanctions have raised fears that Russia could be completely shut out of US dollar funding markets. 大型俄罗斯企业正将一部分所持现金转移到亚洲的银行,因为美国和欧盟(EU)对俄罗斯实施的最新制裁措施引发了俄罗斯可能被美元融资市场完全挡在门外的担忧。
An Empirical Research on the Marginal Value of Cash Holdings for the Listed Firms in China 上市公司持有现金边际价值的实证研究
Study on the Relationship between External Financing Constraints and Corporate Cash Holdings 外部融资约束与公司现金持有量研究
On Fujian Listed Companies Cash Holdings Problems Based the Bank-enterprise Relations 基于银企关系的福建省上市公司现金持有量问题研究
Whether does corporate cash holdings pay positive or negative effect on corporate value? 公司的现金持有对公司价值到底是正的影响还是负的影响?
Inflation reduces the real value of money, so people have an incentive to minimize their cash holdings. 通货膨胀减少了货币的真实价值,因此人们就有激励去最小化其现金持有。
The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund recently sold European bonds to fund an increased exposure to Asian bonds, whilst the Azeri sovereign wealth fund is seeking to add the Chinese renminbi to its cash holdings. 挪威主权财富基金最近抛售欧洲债券,以便腾出资金加大在亚洲债券上的敞口,同时阿塞拜疆主权财富基金正寻求将人民币加入其现金头寸中。
Market Value of Corporate Cash Holdings of Listed Companies in China& Evidence Based on Financing Constraints Theory 我国上市公司现金持有量的市场价值研究&基于融资约束理论的经验证据
Earning Quality and Corporate Cash Holdings& Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market 盈余质量与公司现金持有&来自我国证券市场的经验证据
The survey respondents expected Asian clients to reduce their comparatively high cash holdings in the next two years, a move that is likely to lead to demand for derivatives-linked, or structured, cash deposits. 受访者预计,亚洲客户未来两年将会降低其相对较高的现金头寸比例,导致衍生连结型(又称结构型)现金存款产品需求增加。
The funds hold about 100 stocks, and can raise or lower their cash holdings, but cannot bet on stocks to go down by selling them short. 这些基金持有约100只股票,能够增加或降低其现金持有比例,但不能通过卖空来押注股价下跌。
Second, the firm can use cash holdings to finance profitable investment and pay for unexpected payments. 二是可满足公司盈利性项目的投资需求和某些意外性支付。
Using OLS and GMM model of corporate cash holdings of cash flow sensitivity analysis, for further research. 采用OLS与GMM模型对企业现金持有量的现金流敏感性做进一步的分析研究。
Chinese and western scholars have done a lot of theoretical and empirical research on the cash holdings from different angles, and have achieved rich results. 中西方学者从不同角度对现金持有量进行了很多理论和实证方面的研究,并取得了丰富的研究成果。
The proportion of managerial ownership on cash holdings has a negative impact, but not significantly. 管理层持股比例对现金持有量产生一定的负面影响,但是不显著。